Blood Donations


Walkers is Proud to Partner with the NAVBB

The North American Veterinary Blood Bank (NAVBB) collects, stores and distributes life saving blood donations from pets all over the country. 

Locally, donations are collected at both Walkers Pet HoTail facilities.

Dogs who meet the registration requirements typically take a few minutes out of their day of Doggie Daycare to rest in a quiet area and donate blood.  The NAVBB vets and vet techs make sure the dogs aren’t stressed during this process.  They typically enjoy the extra attention and treats!

If you’d like to make a difference and give back to the K9 world, you can register your dog to become a blood donor. Health screenings will be provided at the donation day to all newly registered pups who register at least one day prior to the event. Once your pup is cleared their health screening (approximately 2 weeks), your pup may become eligible to donate at our next blood drive.

Benefits to you as a K9 blood donor:

  • FREE annual blood screening CBC & Blood Chemistry (~$335 annually)
  • FREE annual Infections Agent blood screening (~$415 annually)
  • FREE annual health checkups (~$120 annually)
  • FREE monthly nurse well checks (~$600 annually)
  • FREE Simparica Trio (heartworm, flea, & tick preventative) (~$384 annually)
  • Potential to save up to 4 lives with every donation (Priceless)

Total Value: ~$1854 (annually in free veterinary care)

Registration Requirements For Blood Donations:

  • Dogs Between the ages of 1 – 7
  • Over 50 lbs. (at a healthy weight)
  • Not on any medications for chronic illnesses
  • Currently on flea, tick, and heartworm preventative
  • Tested negative for heartworms in the past year
  • Vaccinated for Rabies and DHLPP
  • Have never received a blood transfusion

To register your pet to be a blood donor visit:

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to NAVBB at [email protected]

or call (703) 574-7417 and they will be happy to answer your questions.

Upcoming Blood Donation Dates at Walkers Pet HoTail Pet Care Center

Murrysville – Rt. 22E

  • February 28th
  • March 10th & 28th
  • April 7th & 25th

North Versailles – Rt. 30W

  • February 27th
  • March 4th & 27th
  • April 1st, 24th & 29th
Freddie The Blood Donor Hero
Freddie - Blood Donor / Hero
Lucy - Recovering from an operation
Lucy - Living Longer due to Freddie's Donation