Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Certification

Responsible Owners – Well-Mannered Dogs
The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Certification program is recognized as the gold standard for dog behavior.
In CGC, dogs who pass the 10 step CGC test can earn a certificate and/or the official AKC CGC title. Dogs with the CGC title have the suffix, “CGC” after their names.
The 10-step Canine Good Citizen test is a non-competitive test for all dogs, including purebreds and mixed breeds. The CGC award is a prerequisite for many therapy dog groups. Some homeowner’s insurance companies are encouraging CGC testing, and an increasing number of apartments and condos require that resident dogs pass the CGC test. The CGC Program also includes the AKC CGC℠ Responsible Dog Owner Pledge.
The Canine Good Citizen test includes:
- Accepting a friendly strange
- Sitting Politely for Petting
- Appearance and Grooming
- Out for a Walk (walking on a loose lead)
- Walking Through a Crowd
- Sit and Down on Command and Staying in Place
- Coming When Called
- Reaction to Another Dog
- Reaction to Distraction
- Supervised Separation
Click here for more information on the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizenship (AKC CGC) test.
Dogs who have completed the Intermediate Obedience Class at Walkers should be ready to take this test.
There is an additional fee if of $20 if you want your dog to take the CGC test to help cover our costs for the AKC materials.
The AKC CGC test will be given on the 7th week of the Intermediate Obedience Class.
The test fee will be reduced to $10 if your dog has taken the Intermediate Obedience Class at Walkers.
Please note that test fees must be paid before taking the test – so only take the test if your confident that your dog will pass.