The Health and Safety of your Pet is our #1 Priority
Just like a hotel for humans can’t guarantee their guests will stay healthy, Walkers takes many extra steps to keep your pets safe and healthy.
Safety is Built-in
- We make sure even “escape artists” can’t go far with multiple layers of security
- Many doors & gates creating “air locks” which require humans to open
- High Fences surrounding walk areas and play yards that allow for easy supervision
- Closed circuit video cameras and Professionally Monitored Fire & Security systems
- Non-porous surfaces inside and out to facilitate cleaning and sanitizing
- Special HVAC systems (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) throughout the building.
- Climate Control – 24/7 – Heat in winter, Air Conditioning in Summer
- Many units – each designed for the area’s unique needs.
- Maintenance performed on each unit (Filters changed, etc.) every 3 Months.
- Cattery and Grooming rooms exhaust air outside
- The Dog Boarding Area is on its own system that has an Energy Recovery Unit which captures the heating / cooling from the exhaust, conditioning new fresh air that is brought in. Reduces the chance of contamination that can occur when air is recirculated (like on a bus or airplane).
- Isolation Rooms with “Negative Air Pressure” so smells or possible germs are exhausted outside and not circulated throughout the building.
Strong Health Related Precautions – Vet Record Requirements / Recommendations
- Results of a Negative Fecal Test within the last year is required for Cats and Dogs
- Fecal Tests are typically performed as part of a pet’s annual vet exam
- Yearly testing helps prevent spread of intestinal parasites – protecting other pets and our staff
- Testing identifies pets that have parasites even if they don’t exhibit symptoms
- Pets that have intestinal parasites have lower resistance to infection making them more likely to contract and spread illness
- Many other facilities don’t even ask if their guests have parasites!
- If your pet does test positive for intestinal parasites you have several options:
- Get medication from your Vet to treat your pet. Then have another fecal test performed after the recommended time has passed to make sure the treatment was successful.
- Walkers is able to board your pet before you are able to perform a retest, however your pet will need to stay in “Fecal Isolation” until a fecal test comes back negative so your pet doesn’t pass parasites along to our staff other pets.
- There is an additional charge for “Fecal Isolation”
- Your other option would be to go to another boarding facility.
- Ethically, you should inform the other boarding facility that your pet has intestinal parasites – even if they don’t ask.
- All pets must show proof that they are current on standard vaccinations (Rabies & Distemper series)
- Dogs in Daycare, Boarding, Training or attending an event must have a Bordetella booster within the last 6 months and in advance of their arrival to maximize the vaccine’s effectiveness. For Grooming, Bordetella is required yearly.
- We strongly recommend additional preventive measures – You may want to ask your vet about these vaccines & treatments:
- CIV vaccine (Canine Influenza Virus)
- Leptospirosis vaccine (Sometimes included in the Distemper series vaccine)
- Lyme vaccine
- Worming Preventatives (Example: Heartgard)
- Flea & Tick Preventatives (Examples: Frontline, Seresto)
- All pets staying at Walkers are Flea-Checked before they are admitted
- If fleas are found, the pets are either refused admission or required to take a Capstar, get a Flea bath and a day of isolation before they get into proximity of other guests
- We do not accept any pets without vaccinations – No Shelter Pets or Nursing Puppies or Kittens
- We support shelters, but don’t want to take a chance that a high-risk pet may spread problems to our guests.
Sanitary Procedures
- Pet safe sanitizers and disinfectants are applied appropriately.
- All bedding is washed and sanitized before each use.
- Staff is trained in all cleaning procedures.
- Strict Isolation precautions to care for pets who can’t be with others.
- Isolation Suites with “Negative Air pressure”
- For the safety of the pet, other pets & our staff
- Examples: Females in heat
- Dogs which could potentially spread germs through the air.
- For the safety of the pet, other pets & our staff
- Isolation Walking Areas
- Cleaned and Sanitized between walks
- Separate from where other dogs walk
- Isolation Suites with “Negative Air pressure”